Retail environments are particularly tough on doors and door frames. With traffic carrying stock travelling through them every day, damage is inevitable.
With fire safety of paramount importance, damaged doorsets have to be repaired or replaced quickly, often at great expense.
What do you need from a door?
According to a recent survey on the challenges facing facilities managers, and those responsible for fire doors, the biggest challenges they face are:
“Maintaining My Fire Doors”
“Door Lifecycle Too Short”
In our experience the key criteria for a fit for purpose door are:
- withstand impact damage from trolleys etc.
- maintain fire integrity (if a fire door)
- look good now, and stay looking good
- quick & inexpensive to repair, on site
- easy to clean surface
Introducing CS Acrovyn® Doors & Door Protection
Acrovyn® 30 and 60 minute Fire Doors help to reduce maintenance costs and provide reliable fire protection. They are backed by fire test evidence and third party certification.
The Acrovyn® cladding provides a long lasting finish, which is highly resistant to impact damage, easy to clean and maintain, making it an ideal solution for busy retail environments.
Acrovyn® Doors are available in a wide range of colour and cladding options, and are the leading choice in long lasting and durable design.